Welcome to Layton's Website 🐶



我從去年五月開始嘗試完成我的專輯。 我在入職前完成了大部分的音樂,但剩下的那一首歌,ㄧ卡就卡了一年半, 至今還未完成。不過沒關係我相信我一定會在我30歲以前完成。那個專輯名稱叫做Blue Jeans. 主要紀錄了我在美國生活的將近四年的想法(2018-2022),主要圍繞在往回看過去的自己,想這是否有些變化和詢問這自己是否有成為更好的人。同時進入了人生新的階段,對於未來有新的期待,也同時告別過去的自己。






170 - June 20, 2024, 5:52 a.m.


nikyy - Aug. 9, 2024, 3:57 a.m.

Request for Permission to Use a Song in a YouTube Playlist Video

I am planning to create an account on my blog to introduce Western music. The video is about 30 minutes long and is structured to introduce Western music as it is. I would like to use your song “Good Friend Song" in its entirety. May I have your permission to do so? Additionally, I would like to ensure that any revenue generated from the video will be directed to the rights holder. Please let me know your response at your earliest convenience.

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妳跳著舞 緩緩的向我走來 妳靠著我 看著晚霞風吹來

晚上騎著車 妳說要去看海 想都不想的浪漫 就放在夢裡

下了一整天午後 雷陣雨的台北看周圍的人 我決定放下傘

淋濕的我 想起了妳的笑容 而我漸漸哭了 然後閉起我的雙眼

我好想 和妳在月光下 我好想 跟妳坐在沙灘上

我好想 妳躺在我身旁 我好想 手牽(著)妳的晚上

Arranged and Composer by: Layton Wu

Drum: Sigmund Vestrheim

Keyboards: Oliver Qiu

Mixed and Mastered by: Erik Thorsheim


hedy - July 16, 2023, 8 a.m.


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I'm the luckiest man in the world

Thanks to everyone who listens to my music this year! It's my pleasure to share my music with the world. Without you guys, I would not be able to feel complimented. Tbh, I really appreciate that you guys can relate to my music. They all are my true stories, like my diary, my life experience. I'm the luckiest man. I hope I can still make some music for myself and the worlds. Although I might be slow releasing them, I have another career now for my future. I will keep doing music because this is what i love and this is how I express my feelings. Hope you guys enjoy them when they come out. I wish you all the best and have a joyful next year.

I want to review some things i did this year. I had an amazing show in Taiwan earlier this year. I feel so much energy from the audience and so grateful that you guys are buying my cassette tape and T-shirt. I can't imagine, they will be sold out in a month. I made this website from scratch feel so good. Now I can write some posts and talk to you who are reading now! Moreover, It's so awesome that 42 people sign up for this website.I got a nice acoustic guitar this year and it helped me write a few songs. Can't wait to share with you guys soon once I finish the arrangement.

In August, I sang on a boat with my Acoustic Guitar on the Chicago River at my friend's wedding. It was super romantic, surrounded by amazing architecture and lovely people. I want to do it again!  At another gig in Chicago, Nicole, Natasha and I played a show in a tea shop. It was a fun night, I finally could play a show with them and perform our songs to friends. After these two shows, I really enjoy playing shows, especially acoustic sets. When I hold my guitar, I feel so confident. 

This year, I produced two songs with 9m88 and a remix with DSPS. It's my pleasure to work with talented people. I hope next year will be the same to and know more artists. In Oct, I went to LA to work with several musicians for a song. I said hi to many friends that I met in Chicago and finally met my guy kyle. He is the best! He added soluck me synth to the honey ginger tea. We also made several tracks in his place. Lovely trip :)

Lastly, besides music, I hope I become a better person or make some progress that being more mature. I can't wait to be on the next stage soon, super excited. I will probably stay in Chicago for one or two years or more for my first full time job. I am glad everything happened! I know I am not smart, not talented and not hard working enough, and I'm pretty sure I'm a lucky person. I hope I can keep working hard, be passionate and commit to everything that I decide to do. I wanna be a better person someday. 

Thanks to the people who helped me and shared your time with me this year, I feel grateful to be friends or work partner with you. Sunset Music, Kuo, Mary, Joy, 凱元, C3LL, Kevin, Hung Li, Evan Wang,  dropp, Nicole, Natasha, Leo, Danny, Kyle, Lucas, Matthew Yonemura, Matthew An, Summerlyn, Minh, Vincent, Evan, Noah, Reider, Kylie, 稔文, Marko, 9m88, Soina, Han Lee, conehead, bnf, QQ, Eddie, Ian, Alex, my friends and my family.

Please forgive me if I forgot you :)  I'm the luckiest man in the world and I love this world so much!!


Layton Wu


hsh66 - Dec. 10, 2021, 12:49 a.m.

Your music makes the world a better place! Loooking forward to another 魚肚白日夢🐟💫! Can't wait to see you perform on the stage again! Much love💝!

Yinggan - Dec. 10, 2021, 2:08 a.m.

Just registered to say hi, thank you for your music, I accidentally found your tracks on Spotify someday, and love them so much since then. I've been to 犬犬犬 live, and it was amazing. Hope you have a great great 2022, and look forward to your new songs. 🎶 🎶    

doggy - Dec. 11, 2021, 4:29 a.m.


uchewc - Dec. 13, 2021, 4:30 p.m.

Love the positive energy!laughangel

josethestrong69 - April 18, 2022, 2:49 a.m.


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